Use Help

Use Help to view instructions on how to perform common tasks in Aspen. A search bar, results page and topic icons make it easy to find everything you need.

screenshot of Aspen Help Center page

Search bar

To find content on a specific feature or task, use the Search bar on the Aspen Help homepage or in the top-right corner of any Help topic. Then, type your search term(s), and press Enter or click magnifying glass icon. Search terms are not case sensitive.

Some keywords have filters to limit the number of search results. Click to select a filter, and then click magnifying glass icon. The filter icon turns black once you choose a filter. To stop using the filter, click > All Files.

Example: You could type "Enter grades" in the Search bar and get many results to browse through. Or, type "Enter grades", click and select the "Gradebook, Using" filter to get fewer results.

For more information, see Search Help.

Note: The Search bar appears beneath the Follett logo on mobile devices.

Results page

The results page displays Help topics that include the search term(s) you entered. Results are weighted, meaning the most relevant topics appear at the top.

Example: If you enter "student attendance", topics containing "student attendance" appear before those containing "student class attendance".

screenshot of search results page

Highlight colors

When you select a topic, the search term(s) you entered are highlighted. Highlight colors appear as follows.

  • Term 1
  • Term 2
  • Term 3
  • Term 4

When you search multiple terms (up to a maximum of four), each matched term uses a different highlight color.

Topic icons

Use the icons at the top of a topic to perform certain functions.

Do any of the following:

  • Click home icon to return to the Aspen Help homepage.
  • Click pen with x icon to remove any highlight colors from a keyword search.
  • Click printer icon to print the desired topic.